Tag: GFA Elections

1 215 / 15 POSTS
I Wish Kurt Was Running Unopposed, Let’s All Push Him To The Top- Sannie Daara

I Wish Kurt Was Running Unopposed, Let’s All Push Him To The Top- Sannie Daara

As the days draw nearer to the Ghana Football Association's upcoming general election congress, many are pushing hard for their preferred candidates a [...]
It’s A deliberate Attempt To Take Football Across A Region – Prosper Harrison Addo

It’s A deliberate Attempt To Take Football Across A Region – Prosper Harrison Addo

The countdown to the general election of the Ghana Football Association is on as all parties will move to the northern part of Ghana on 27th September [...]
All Is Not Well Looking At The Number Of People Who Want To Contest For Exco council

All Is Not Well Looking At The Number Of People Who Want To Contest For Exco council

The countdown to the Ghana Football Association general election in Tamale is gradually getting near as the Electoral Commission of the federation has [...]
GFA Elections: Let’s Football People Decide For Themselves – Sannie Daara

GFA Elections: Let’s Football People Decide For Themselves – Sannie Daara

The countdown to the Ghana Football Association general election is on as most parties are trying their possible best to sell their vision to the foot [...]
Why The Panic In Change of Venue – Sannie Daara On GFA Elections In Tamale

Why The Panic In Change of Venue – Sannie Daara On GFA Elections In Tamale

The venue for the upcoming Ghana Football Association elections is Tamale, as most stakeholders have expressed their concern about the agreement of Ta [...]
1 215 / 15 POSTS