Tag: GFA Elections

1 2 10 / 15 POSTS
I Will Reach Out To George And Bring Him Back Home – Kurt E. S Okraku

I Will Reach Out To George And Bring Him Back Home – Kurt E. S Okraku

After several issues leading to the re-electing of the incumbent president of the Ghana Football Association Mr. Kurt E. S Okraku, the disqualificatio [...]
Kwesi Appiah, Frederick Acheampong, Oduro Sarfo, and Randy Abbey were Elected As Exco members

Kwesi Appiah, Frederick Acheampong, Oduro Sarfo, and Randy Abbey were Elected As Exco members

After the re-election of the Ghana Football Association president Mr. Kurt E. S Okraku to continue his duty as the president of the federation, the st [...]
Kurt E. S Okraku Has Been Re-elected As GFA President

Kurt E. S Okraku Has Been Re-elected As GFA President

The ongoing general election of the Ghana Football Association in Tamale. After several reports on the injunction on the election, the football peo [...]
Those Who Endorsed Him Must Be Blamed – Ameenu Shardow  On George Afriyie’s Disqualification

Those Who Endorsed Him Must Be Blamed – Ameenu Shardow On George Afriyie’s Disqualification

Ahead of the Ghana Football Association general election that is scheduled for the 15th of October, 2023 in Tamale, Mr. George Afriyie has been disqua [...]


The Ghana Football Association has officially announced another date for the general election. The Federation initially decided to have the electi [...]
Yes I Have Responded – George Afriyie Confirms Appeal To Election Disqualification

Yes I Have Responded – George Afriyie Confirms Appeal To Election Disqualification

Former vice president of the Ghana Football Association, Mr. George Afriyie has confirmed his appeal to the disqualification of him from running for t [...]
George Afriyie disqualified from presidential race

George Afriyie disqualified from presidential race

Ghana Football Association (GFA) presidential aspirant George Afriyie has been disqualified from contesting the GFA presidential elections for breachi [...]
George Afriyie Reveals Increase In Premier League Club’s Cash Earnings If Voted Into Power

George Afriyie Reveals Increase In Premier League Club’s Cash Earnings If Voted Into Power

The monetary value in our local league has been a tall mountain to climb. However many stakeholders have also contributed their quota as they hope tha [...]
George Does Not Qualify To Be The GFA President – Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe

George Does Not Qualify To Be The GFA President – Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe

After the hold on of the general election of the Ghana Football Association by the Federation after an injunction from the court is still receiving so [...]
GFA Suspends All Election Process After Court Injunction

GFA Suspends All Election Process After Court Injunction

The general election of the Ghana Football Association was gradually getting near. The election which was slated for the 27th of September,2023 in Tam [...]
1 2 10 / 15 POSTS