Structural defects that scare potential buyers of the Ghana Premier League 


Structural defects that scare potential buyers of the Ghana Premier League 

For multiple times that we have been quizzed about our league and how to some extent it compares to other leagues either in Africa or in the worl

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For multiple times that we have been quizzed about our league and how to some extent it compares to other leagues either in Africa or in the world, what most of those answers have sought to suggest among other things is the lack of sponsorship for the league. But from many examples, I can say without any biases that, a good league necessarily mustn’t have a sponsor to denote its ‘goodness’ or quality.

The reason is that sponsorship or the decision of a sponsor to be part of a product is affirmative of how the fundamentals are working and the good the product is doing. Thus the coming on board by the sponsor is only adding up to the already good things that are happening within that environment. Simply, that will be an impetus or a glow to shine more light on that perspective.

However, our analyses and arguments have sought to register the sense that because there’s no sponsor to expend on the league or to classify it as a headline sponsor, that utterly makes the Ghanaian domestic league pus.

After deeper thinking and scanning around the environment within which I am writing, just as we have in marketing management, the two marketing environment which is Micro and Macro, where all the elements such as strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats before you can leap into the macro world, I discovered that it’s utterly not the case of using the presence of a sponsor or in this case a headline sponsor as the indices to conclude our analyses in that assumption.

After all, we have come to realize that the most-watched league in the world is without a headline yet no argument or analysis has said it to be without quality. It is in this manner that stands to reason that indeed a league can necessarily be of a sponsor to still be the best and most attractive to watch.

And there are a plethora of indices that opine to this sense of feeling and positioning. Mind you sponsors are consumed or persuaded by several factors before the intent to align with any product or organization. Every company’s intention to associate with another is to go beyond its reach and projection of image hence when there are structural defects that undermine the very organizational operations and threaten the association of any investor, it will scare them to death to align with such organization.

Even In the era where lots of organizations have moved from the scope of profit orientation, a certain amount of financial profits and image reflection are anticipated. Essentially, there will always be underlying factors that must suffice to move clients to want to associate with any organization for return on investments (ROIs).

Indices/ Fundamentals…
Some of which are trustworthiness, transparency, professionalism, and deliberate attempts to position the prospective or anticipated clients. And these indexes without the mainstream sponsor have still illuminated the so-called best league or leagues.

Needless to say, if we do not put in these hardcore measures to advertently position the league, I can say without fear or favour that sponsors can come but when they do not envisage these elements that go a long way to project the product or create a good sense if view in peoples mind’s eye they will leave eventually.

Take note the English premier league has carved for itself a palpable Identity within the fray of elements mentioned above. The mere mention of The EPL evokes that sense of competitiveness, professionalism and quality and deliberateness in doing things.

Now let me take a snooze and ask, what can one identify with the Ghana premier league?, what’s the main identity of the Ghanaian domestic league product? I bet you are racking your brain to see if you could fathom one? If you’re finding difficulties in arriving at any, then you tilting towards the point of being driven here or your guess is as good as mine.

Or wait oo! Could it be match-fixing and betting? Is it the perennial stadium violence that threatens lives and property? All these questions display how weak the fundamentals are and will continually expose us to the harsh weather of need.

We must resolve to strengthen the fundamentals that are the bedrock of positioning the league. To my mind, this could begin with the lower-tier divisions.

It must not be seen as an outcast system because that representation and system are what cajole people to want to resort to all vices and unscrupulous ways for promotion and demotion.

A lot of examples are there to highlight. The friends and cronies’ drama must be severed. We will never win with this affinity game we’re constantly playing.

Every serious organization is unendingly conducting research to now and then know the taste and the thoughts of their customers about their product.

This enables them to know the psychographics, demographics and geographical movements of their customers within the fast-changing and competitive football marketing environment.

I perhaps would want to assume that this is an area the Ghana football association barely have looked at or paid little attention to.

This product marketing scan will help to know whether or not the league is gaining an audience and its appeal.

It will allow the GFA to know if new customers are joining to consume the product, the cause and whether or not the old customers are falling off and what may be causing that.

Ladies and gentlemen, the marketing and public relations team or department of organizations are incessantly on the search looking out for other organizations with which they partner to boost their audience.

They sometimes run their research on a particular product organization to discover how that company is viewed and the thoughts of people about it.

And today the advent of the new media has made it easier to generate ideas about something they place on their radar. When the negative outweighs the positives you can only imagine.

The FA must learn to intentionally place adverts on some selected mediums to give a further reach to an audience other than the already known height and that demands a proper marketing plan.

‘Adepa na 3t)n neho’ as said in Akan.
It’s the appealing nature of the flower that attracts the insect before it goes to chance on the nectar.

I hope and pray the FA does a proper evaluation to usher in the new autonomous league.

By: Nana Yaw Preko Bimpeh /